When Gratitude Doesn’t Feel Genuine by Mariah Ehlert, CNSF
How does this word sit with you: “Gratitude”? To be completely honest, this go-to, get-back-to-happy word has actually triggered me at times; as in ‘toss something across the room’ annoyed. […]
A Neurosculpting Valentine to My Limbic System by: Jocelyn King
A lot is said, written and tweeted these days about mindfulness, presence and other traits associated with our pre-frontal cortex (PFC) functions. And I do love my PFC, of course! […]
3 Holiday Stress Tips by: Tamme Buckner
Stress and holidays usually go hand in hand. Actually the truth is stress really isn’t an option for most of us anymore in this modern world with cell phones and […]
What to do When Neurosculpting Doesn’t Work: By Travis Rumsey
I recently had a client share with me that a custom Neurosculpting® meditation I had created for them wasn’t working. I asked if the wording needed adjusting, or if the […]
(Not) Seeing Is Believing by: Cynthia Beard
One of the main concepts we emphasize at the Neurosculpting® Institute is referred to as “neuroplasticity,” or the ability for neurons to change over time. In other words, neural pathways […]
Obstacle in your life? Sculpting it Out by: Jody Domerstad
Throughout our life we will be faced with various obstacles such as projects at work, an illness, an uncertainty in our life causing us confusion and possibly a major transition […]
Lisa’s Note of the Day: Mapping and Firing
Neuroplasticity happens partly as a result of our ability to create new brain cells and maintain existing ones in a healthy state. These brain cells or neurons, have a branched […]
Is Mindfulness and Meditation really ‘good’ for you? by: Tamme Buckner
What is mindfulness really? In some circles we have heard its ‘good’ to meditate and it’s ‘healthy’ and it’s something we ‘should’ be doing… but the idea ‘it’s good for […]
Lisa’s Note of the Day: Rise up From Ashes
With more than 30,000 neurons in one cubic millimeter, which is about the size of a pinhead, and more than 100 million synapes in that tiny space, the territory is […]
You are the Universe by: Vija Rogozina
I had the privilege to attend a sold-out event – a book presentation by Deepak Chopra. He and cosmologist Menas Kafatos have just released their new book titled You Are […]