Meditation and Neuroplasticity Training May Help Reduce Stress and Stop the Cycle of Addiction by Patrick Bailey
Stress is a word many people throw around casually. Many do not realize its very real physical and mental ramifications. Stress is no excuse for addiction, but it can contribute […]
Letting Go by Kelley Seriano, CNSF
I realized I was enough when I started to respect my time and become self-reliant in feeling good. Understanding that feeling good is an inside job. At the same time, […]
Finding Your Center by Kelley Seriano, CNSF
Seems like everyday something new is challenging me to hold my centerline – perhaps you can relate? If I allow this to happen, it can be a recipe for an […]
How to Turn Off Defense and Turn On Problem-Solving in an Argument by Danielle Rachlin, CNSF
How can knowing how our brains work help us during an argument? What are some things we can do based on neuroscience that can help us get through a […]
Fill the Well: Self-Care by Kelley Seriano, CNSF
We all have a ton to get done in a day. The ego can keep our foot on the gas pushing harder and harder. Running from work to working out […]
Harnessing the Power of Choice: Know Your Monkey Mind by Susan Aplin Pogue, CNSF
I’ve always loved the phrase “monkey mind.” It evokes so many vivid pictures – you with a tail bouncing back and forth between your legs, not moving anywhere for all […]
Why You Need Your Zzzs: How Sleep Affects Mental Health by Brad Krause
As you might expect, ADHD, anxiety, depression, and other problems can lead to sleep issues. Sleep deprivation and poor sleep quality can also exacerbate mental health conditions. In one […]
When You Don’t Have Time to Meditate by Danielle Rachlin, CNSF
It’s a common obstacle in anyone’s meditation practice. Whether you meditate every day or you’re still trying to find your groove, sometimes it’s difficult to feel like there’s room on […]
Stressed? Just Breathe…
Stressed – Just Breathe! It’s been about a year since I made a commitment to start the process of becoming a Neurosculpting® Facilitator. Since completing in January, I’ve been putting […]
First Steps to Becoming the Leader You Were Meant to Be by Lisa Wimberger
Some of the most complex emotional situations to navigate come from the way we learn or don’t learn to relate to one another. Relationships with individuals and groups are the […]