Healing Doesn’t Have to Hurt by Travis Rumsey, CNSF
Sometimes when I meet new clients who are ready to make a shift in their lives, there can be an air of ‘let’s get this over with.’ They’re at the […]
Navigating Pet Loss Grief Through Neurosculpting® by Andrea Floyd
What reactions does the word “Grief” bring up in your mind and body? How will a grief that you experience potentially change you? Grief can be defined as the painful […]
Stress Isn’t All In Your Head by Travis Rumsey, CNSF
You are amazingly resilient. You can experience immense stress and, usually, your nervous system keeps everything together and you moving forward. In fact, you’re so resilient that often you don’t […]
What to do When Neurosculpting Doesn’t Work: By Travis Rumsey
I recently had a client share with me that a custom Neurosculpting® meditation I had created for them wasn’t working. I asked if the wording needed adjusting, or if the […]
(Not) Seeing Is Believing by: Cynthia Beard
One of the main concepts we emphasize at the Neurosculpting® Institute is referred to as “neuroplasticity,” or the ability for neurons to change over time. In other words, neural pathways […]
Talk to your Dis-ease by: Jody Domerstad
What if we befriended ailments, dis-eases, fears, and anxieties? Over the past few years as my health grew worse, numerous illnesses took host in my body and slowly started […]
Chronic Illness by: Jody Domerstad
Did you know that Chronic Illness and pain rewires your brain. Everyday day you think about it, every time you experience it even when your having to explain it to […]
Lisa’s Note of the Day: 85 BILLION NEURONS
Science now says we have 85 billion neurons in the brain. There are 5 times as many neuronal networks allocated for threat detection than there are for non-threat input. This […]
Overcoming the Whirlpool of Placeness by: Travis Rumsey
You know how when you go back to the hometown you grew up in, how you almost feel like a child again? Sometimes you can feel it in your whole […]
Adapting to a Changing World by Vija Rogozina
We live in a paradox: change is the only constant yet human psyche resists change. Ability to adapt to new circumstances has always been a powerful driving force of human […]