Stress Isn’t All In Your Head by Travis Rumsey, CNSF
You are amazingly resilient. You can experience immense stress and, usually, your nervous system keeps everything together and you moving forward. In fact, you’re so resilient that often you don’t […]
Are Positive Affirmations Enough? By: Adena Shepherd
There are many affirmations, positive talks, YouTube links and spiritual texts out there that one can use to uplift or become positive, that can assist in changing your state, for […]
TRE® (Tension & Trauma Release Exercises) Can Turbo-Charge Your Neurosculpting® Practice – Now Available at NSI
Tension and stress accumulate in all of us simply from living an everyday life. Tension can also build up from prolonged stressful situations or traumatic life experiences, such as natural […]
Three Key Techniques for Veterans Dealing with PTSD
Every year on Veterans Day we celebrate the contributions that our brothers and sisters in the military have made to our society. However, there’s another discussion that might even supersede […]
How Can Memory Improve Your Life?
According to Congressman Tim Ryan in his book A Mindful Nation, “When people have higher working memory capacity they can pay better attention, can solve problems more readily, and have […]