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Does Fear Define YOUR Comfort Zone?

In studies of the brain's neurology, fMRIs show that when faced with uncertainty our brains decrease the blood flow to the reward center while increasing blood flow to our emotional circuitry -- the limbic brain, priming us for fight-or-flight response.…


An Adolescent Approach to the World

The prefrontal cortex is involved with most of our higher order thought functions like patience, goal setting, motivation, empathy, problem solving and much more.  The amygdala is involved in more reactive and quicker responses like fight-or-flight, emotional arousal, and survival…


Liberals vs. Conservatives: Dueling Brains

The more we exercise an area of our brain, the more neural pathways we grow which increases the thickness of the gray matter.  It's almost like building muscles;  the more you use a muscle the more it becomes the one…


False Demons

Our amygdala is masterful at creating imagery that imbued with vivid emotional charge.  In fact, it's expert in the ones relating to fear and survival.  Our hippocampus likes to store these charged stories and reference them easily when a current…

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