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Couch Potato Syndrome

When we're doing "nothing" fMRIs show the brain is active in the Medial Prefrontal Cortex (MPFC), Dorsal Medial PFC, and Lateral Temporal lobe -- these are the areas correlated to thinking about oneself, and analyzing others' intentions and actions. Our…


Brushing Your Teeth to Keep Your Brain Healthy?

Neuroplasticity is our ability to rewire new brain connections, learn new things, and create new neurons.  All of this magic keeps us cognitively young, sharp and engaged in life.  A key part of this process is long term potentiation (LTP).…


The Depression-Disease Domino Effect

Your thoughts and perception create the environment of the brain and vice versa.  It's the chicken and egg conundrum--is the thought the signal for the strss response, or is the brain chemistry the signal for the thought?  No matter which…


Minimize Stress, Extend Your Life

Sometimes we search for cures for symptoms and ignore the cause.  Stress, even low but chronic levels, is the most important variable factor in determining life-span according to "Wired" (neuroscience magazine).  It's no joke that meditation is at the top…


Thoughts Shaping Your World

Neuroplasticity is the ability of our mind to rewire itself. It can manifest as a changing of the strength of the connection between neurons, by adding or removing connections, or by adding new cells. An amazing catalyst for all of…


NEW! 6-week online Neurosculpting® series.

The Neurosculpting® Institute is proud to have partnered up with the Entheos Academy to offer you this first-ever 6-week online series.  You can experience Neurosculpting® from the comforts of your own home perhaps even in your pajamas!  This series begins…


Stress will Degrade our Social Structure

We know that the limbic brain is our body's fight-flee-freeze center.  It engages this way during perceived moments of threat, danger or fear.  Dr. Stephen Porges notes in his book The Polyvagal Theory that "In most individuals the nervous system…


Wait Until your Father gets Home!

The Insula is important in our social brains. It's involved with things like processing events in the future based on our current body states, and it is active when dealing with pride and disgust. Studies published in last year's Journal…


Anti-depressants vs. Meditation

IF you are on antidepressants...PLEASE understand this post is not meant as a critique of your healing process. Based on many studies, including one published in JAMA in 2010 by Fournier, antidepressants were no more effective in changing serotonin levels…

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