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BDNF, Anti-aging Anyone?

BDNF--Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor--is a key growth hormone. It protects the structure and integrity of our neurons, enables our neuroplasticity--that's our ability to create new neural maps, and promotes neurogenesis--our ability to grow new brain cells. So--how do we get…


Who’s in the Mirror?

In neural imaging studies done in 1996, it was found that viewing images of fearful, stressed, or angered faces activated the viewer's fear response in the amygdala. Take a look in the mirror today and make note of the expression…


Smoking, Memory Loss, and Aging Your Brain

According to Dr. Eric Braverman, author of Younger Brain, Sharper Mind, we unknowingly effect our brain speed and impair our memory recall circuits.  "A 2004 study in the Journal Neurology showed that over a 5-year period, memory decline for smokers…


Your Brain Potential – Ten to the Millionth Power

Dr. Daniel J. Siegel notes in Mindsight that "Given the number of synaptic connections, the brain's possible on-off firing patterns--its potential for various states of activation--has been calculated to be ten to the millionth power--or ten times ten one million…


Hydrogenated oils, Aggression and Your Amygdala

In a new study from the University of California, San Diego it was shown that those who eat more trans fats (fried foods or hydrogenated oils) are more prone to aggression.  Perhaps this is because the prefrontal cortex, the part…


Creativity and Open Mindedness are Just One Song Away.

In studies done in 2010 at North Dakota State University it was shown that individuals who were more creative were better able to down or up-regulate their cognitive control system based on the situation.  This is called cognitive flexibility.  To…


Thoughts influence Matter

Dr. David Perlmutter and Alberto Villoldo, Ph.D. note in Power Up Your Brain that Neural networks are created by focused, engaged stimulation. . .the choices you make actually do influence the physical structures, the neural networks, in your brain. 'Experience…


Cultivating Compassion, Navigating Crisis

Professor Kristin Neff of the University of Texas is considered a leading researcher in the field of self-compassion.  Her research is showing that those who cultivate self-compassion by exercising gentle and non-judgmental self-talk bounce back more quickly during crisis.  The…

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